April 16, 2008

  • That Hump....

    "If I could get over that Hump/then maybe I wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilll feeeeelll beeeeeeeeettteeer"

    It's Wednesday.  Middle of the week.  Ugghh, and Aunt Flo (as used by Jane, Vik, and Rita) is visiting....I just want to get in the bed and go back to sleep.  I guess I could look at it from the brighter side....if she weren't visiting I would definitely panic.

    Or would I?

    I would.  I absolutely do not want to have a child without having a husband beside me.  Certaintively.  I imagine I would really freak out and tell MSP we have to get married TODAY!!!  I'm sure he would say "What's the hurry?  I'm not going anywhere."   But you don't understand......I just can't have a child out of wedlock.  That's not how it's supposed to be.  And besides, I'm not ready to have a child.  I'm still enjoying ME.  US.  WE.  *Sigh*

    I know we'll get married one day.  I know he is the one who will be my husband....the one I will get up to cook breakfast for....the one I will call first whenever I have good or bad news....my Person....the one I will do taxes with....the one who will drive me crazier but make me have fun along the ride.  We are both progressing down our marriage paths and know that it will take a lot of work and compromise from each of us to merge our paths into one.

    It seems that everyone I have talked to lately has asked  "When are you getting married?"  I'm in no rush but on the move.  One day I may just post "I's married now!" and that will be that.

Comments (6)

  • 87?? You're a papercut away from exsanguination - really though. Get some salt in ya life, cop some chinese food lol. As for the book...I've got a concept and have started writing in the small bit of free time I have. I'll keep you posted.

  • Glad things are going well for someone. I remember when I used to think that way.

    RYC: Jeb really left the state in bad shape, and it's only going to get worse over the next couple of years. Atlanta might be telling me to go back next year, and I might listen. I wonder if Crist will bolt and be McCain's running mate and leave it all for Kottkamp (whose name makes it seem like he should be packing sausage or something).

    Almost 1:15...back to the Capitol I go.

  • Awwwwwwwwwwwww :)   I feel you.  That's all I have to say-must be that Gemini/Delta connection.

  • I's married now.

    You crack me up.

  • i want a person, and you are funny for that 'I's married now' line. one day, i want to post that, just to see what would happen.

  • glad to here at least one other person thinking of marriage. i was starting to think i was the only one that thought it was bridal shower first  baby shower second.....

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