May 2, 2008

  • Talk about a horrible ending to this week....

    So I get home today to find a letter from a law firm in Tampa.  The name rings a bell, but I can't quite remember how I know it. 

    Then I remember.....Dannie and Char's case is coming up for trial next month.

    Please God, don't let this be what I think it is......

    "Dear Ms Hadder,
    We represent the estates of Danielle and Charmane in the above referenced matters.  We are writing to inform you that you have been listed as a witness who may be called to testify in the trial on the above referenced matters."

    I'm CERTAINLY not ready for that.......shoot, I can't even talk about that whole day in one sitting.  I've tried on here, twice, but it's just too much.

    I hope I can get out of this..........but am I hurting Char and Dannie if I don't testify?  Ugghhhh...this KICKS ROCKS!

    So, of course, my mind starts thinking about that day and that weekend and the following week.....and of course the tears start coming again.

    Here's a DDG pic, just to keep me smiling.

    Rai, Char, C-lah, and I
    December 2004

Comments (5)

  • Just be strong and tell the truth and everything should be fine. Of course, I don't know the situation but one can never go wrong with telling the truth.

    ryc: I don't think that I would have enough dedication to train for one.

  • thanks for stopping through. Yeah, you got them all correct, and #7, "Have you ever felt a breeze hit hard like the wind was blowing it apart. As you're spinning like a merry-go-round, indications of a storm touching down. Wish that I could weather any storm, but i guess it was a heartbreak from the norm..." is "Lately" by Divine. They never really blew up, but the song was great.

    Take care and good luck with your situation. I agree with the person before me..."just be strong and tell the truth."

  • Wow, what a sad hard as it may be, one of the best things for their memory MAY be to stand up as a witness on their behalf. But

  • I agree with the above comments...and judging from what I know and have read, you're one of the people (internet or otherwise) who I think can most effectively handle such a trying situation. You will be fine. God doesn't bring us to things that he doesn't bring us through.

  • Not that you need my advice, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Do it not just for the girls but for yourself. Stay strong; I know you can.

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